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France Lotto

The France Lotto, or the French Loto as it is called, is one of the easiest lottery games to play out there. It is fun, simple and completely uncomplicated, so easy that even a kid could play it. 

The jackpots are pretty good too, although capped at €36 million. The draws are held thrice every week and millions of people from all over the world participate in every draw – thanks to the popularity of online lotteries such as Buy Online Lotto. 

BuyOnlineLotto is one of the most reputable online lottery sites out there, and we make it possible for everyone to buy France Lotto tickets online, no matter where they are from. Here’s what you should know about this famous French lottery. 

What is France Lotto?

France Lotto is the most popular lottery in France. It is a simple lottery based on an easy format – pick up 5 numbers from 1 to 49, and one bonus number from 1 to 10. 

If you’re lucky, and are able to match all numbers correctly, then congratulations, you’ve just won the France Lotto Jackpot, or Jacquespot, as they say in French. 

How big is the jackpot? It’s pretty big – let’s just say if you win the French Lotto jackpot you will never have to work again and will live the rest of your life as a multimillionaire. 

The minimum jackpot amount is €2 million, but if you are truly lucky, it can go up to as high as €36 million. It can’t go any higher than that as the jackpot is capped at €36 million. 

But the jackpot is not the only prize on offer – you can also get any of the 6 lower-tier prizes on offer for getting some of the numbers correct, even if you don’t get all numbers correct. 

The best part is the cost of the ticket – you can buy a France Lotto ticket online for just €2. Of course, don’t just buy one; buy as many lottery tickets online as you can, as that improves your odds by a considerable extent. 

France Lotto History

The French Lotto or Loto is operated by by Française des Jeux (FDJ), the leading lottery operator in France. It has been around since 1976 and is very popular in that country. 

France Lotto Draws 

France Lotto Draws are held on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday every week at 20.35 CET.

How to Play the France Lotto?

 Playing the French Lotto is pretty simple. This is one of the easiest and most straightforward lottery games out there. It fun to play and doesn’t take too much of your time. 

Just pick 5 numbers from a range of 1 to 49. Then choose a bonus number from 1 to 10. You need to get all 6 numbers right to get the jackpot. 

What if you don’t? Well, you will still have a reasonable chance of getting any one of the remaining 6 lower-tier prizes. It’s not like you will come away with nothing. In fact, you will still win something even if you get just two of the numbers right. 

That means you don’t have to be insanely lucky to win the France Lotto – you only need to be moderately lucky to just about win something. 

What are the Odds of Winning the France Loto?

Actually, your odds of winning the France Loto jackpot are much better than what you have on some of the more popular lotteries such as MegaMillions, USA PowerBall, EuroMillions and EuroJackpot. 

You stand a chance of 1 in 19,068,840 of winning the France Loto jackpot. Your chance of getting the next best prize of €100,000 is 1 in 2,118,760.  

Your chance of just about winning something, which means matching two numbers only, is just 1 in 16. For that you can win €5, which is nothing more than a consolation prize, but gives you at least some bragging rights with your friends. 

How to Play French Loto Online?

 You can play the France Lotto online at BuyOnlineLotto. Let’s discuss how. 

Step #1: Set up an account at BuyOnlineLotto. That should take a minute or two of your time. 

Step #2: Head to the France Lotto playslip and pick 5 main numbers from 1 to 49 and one bonus number from 1 to 10.

Step #3: You can opt for the Quick Pick option where the computer picks random numbers for you. Or you can pick numbers manually – that is left to you.

Step #4: You can select the number of draws you want to take part in. You can, if you want, choose to be a part of 52 draws in advance.

Step #5: We have many special offers for lottery players. In fact, we offer discounts to those who participate in multiple draws. You may want to try one of those. 

Step #6: Ready? Click play then: You will be led to a secure payment gateway and where you can enter your payment information. Buy the France Loto tickets and start playing. 

Are Online Lottery Sites Legit? 

One of the biggest questions players have is, are online lottery sites such as BuyOnlineLotto.com legit or not?

Yes, rest assured that Buy Online Lotto is 100% legit. We are the same as any retail store or kiosk from where you buy a lottery ticket. The only difference you can buy lottery tickets online from us from the privacy and comfort of your home. 

Also, if you’re from outside France, let’s say you’re from South Africa, Greece, India or China, the only way you can participate in the France Lotto is through online lottery sites such as BuyOnlineLotto. 

One major advantage of buying France Lotto tickets online with us is that there is absolutely no risk of you losing your lottery ticket. Why is this important? 

Do you know how many lottery jackpots have remained unclaimed because the lottery winner lost their ticket? Do you know how easy it is to steal a physical or paper lottery ticket?  

Buying lottery tickets online is safe – there are no such risks. Should you win something, you will be sent an email from us informing you about the same, with instructions on what to do next to collect your winnings. 

Really, it’s pretty simple, so simple that it is almost elementary! Go ahead and take a chance, play the France Lotto right now!